In worship, we gather to praise and glorify God, filling ourselves spiritually for the week. We share our joys and concerns, hear God’s holy word, and offer our thanksgiving for God’s bountiful blessings. Our services include a blend of traditional and contemporary worship elements, to meet the varied needs of our congregation, from youngest to eldest.
The first Sunday of the month tends to be a more traditional worship service, as we gather at the Table of our Savior Jesus Christ for the sacrament of Holy Communion, complete with reciting the Nicene Creed and singing the Sanctus. When there is a fifth Sunday in a month, we hold a service of Healing, inviting people to experience the “laying on of hands” for healing, both physical and spiritual. Other Sundays throughout the month are typically of a blended worship style with both traditional hymns and contemporary songs.
While special services occur throughout the year, based on the Seasons of the Church Year, our Maundy Thursday service is unique as we reenact the Last Supper in a dramatic way, concluding the service with the Tenebrae, extinguishing the lights of the sanctuary in anticipation of Jesus Christ’s death on Good Friday. Our Christmas Eve service is also a highlight of the year as the entire congregation gathers for a service of Carols, Communion and Candlelight.
The members of First UCC welcome visitors to join us for worship, as we prepare ourselves for service to God our Creator and Jesus Christ our Savior, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Worship Times
Sundays, 9:30 AM
Ash Wednesday, 7 PM
Maundy Thursday, 7 PM
Easter Sunday, 8 AM & 9:30 AM
Christmas Eve, 4 PM & 7 PM